Remembering Maynard

Obituary Photos of the Funeral Photos of Maynard Video of the Funeral Maynard’s 95th Birthday Photos of the Funeral

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The Great Gopher Hunt

Daniel and Marvin as small children in Fountain Prairie

Pa announced that the gophers along the pasture were going into the cornfields and had already dug up the whole first row of the newly planted corn. 

“If you boys can catch some of these gophers I’ll give you a penny a piece for them.” 

Ted and I were really excited. If we could catch those gophers we would make a lot of money.

Ted said, “Let’s take our buggy. Let’s put a barrel on it and fill it with water. Then we’ll go out in the field and drown out those gophers. We should be able to drown out a whole lot of them with a whole barrel full of water. At a penny each we will be making a lot of money!” 

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